
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

SOP is suitable for a business experiencing complexities, whereby the top management has allocated inadequate time for the daily operations of the business. Therefore, SOP takes care of  day-to-day operations. SOP helps everyone in an organization to perform daily tasks according to the company’s policies and procedures, independently, with little or no assistance from the superiors.

  1. SOP is unique for every organization. 
  2. SOP is contrived for every activity, business process and delegation of authority for operation (as per management requirement) and for every level of persons working in an organization.

Once the management decides what they intend to delegate, the decision making can be designed and contrived in the SOP for different level personals in the organization.

  1. SOPs are cursory, straightforward and comprehensible, covering each activity and every transaction and workflow. Ultimately, they create process flowcharts for performing defined tasks. 
  2. In most reputable organizations, the people at every level work as per powers delegated to them in an SOP. Organizations implement it to help their staff do consistent work. 
  3. The SOP will also define the approval taking process. Whenever a concerned person presumes that the transaction/activity is not incorporated into SOP, he/she has to approach the approving authority in the recommended format. Such formats will also be annexed in the SOP.
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